Friday, August 5, 2016

Eternal Burning

Chapter 1
In the late night, where the desert was cooled down by the wind; the cities of Pharaoh was sweet with the smell of blood. Even though this night was darker than any other; the lights from the flames made it twilight.
After the old kingdoms of mortals turned to ash and rubble I had found myself in a place more desirable for my hunger. I had just turned nineteen when the rivers lost the color of my brothers’ blood. What an unwanted sight to see them turn against me to serve my cousin. But, that part of war was over and I needed to treat myself to something more sexual.
I watched across the opened window of a coach on top of a camel. The journey was hell as the sun beat its rays of light on the roof. Still I made it and now as I enter the great cities of Anubis victory over poor helpless mortals was all mine. When the camel walked down the dust road nobody noticed it. They were all on their way somewhere else.
Down in the high noble society was an Inn only for the Pharaoh’s closest subjects. And when the High priests of Anubis told him I was here; they placed me in the most honorable room. As I made the camel kneel to the ground I got off the animal wearing a black satanic robe that gave off an arousal of sexual feelings to any woman in a fifty- feet radius in any direction.
The entrance to the Inn was a small bar where people could come drink and talk about the world around them. With lights of fires in the center of the statues; the marble floors of black crystal made the inn rich with glimmer. But, what got my attention though was the young girl that took the floor. A steady melody blow across her waist, with such a force made her hips shake from left to right as if an earthquake controllably made them move.
The only thought I had was what I could make her do if our eyes locked inside each other. But, then the vampire I am could do much worse than dreams. So of course I found a seat far enough for no one to notice my black eyes fixed on the young girl.
Her hips moved and her arms waved around like doves. And without stopping the music or her movements our eyes met. Slowly she could feel my hands touch her milky soft body. My touch made her eyes roll to the back of her head. With her head slowly lying against the wind she tightens as I kissed down the side of her throat with my fangs barely touching her. Her heart beat speeded up and I could feel her blood race through her body as I held her close. Pretty soon I broke my hold on her; the scent of her blood was revealing my true identity.
For the time being I had decided to retire to my room. The sweet over bearing temptation was almost too enjoyable. So as I walked across the marble floor I came to the set of stairs. The stairs were long and curved down to show elegance. Slowly I walked up and around the stair case steps until I reached the top.
At the top of the stair case was a long hallway. With blood stained carpet and torches lining the walls it almost made me wish I was home. The long walk down the hallway showed nothing but, darkness behind me. I found many years ago that my sight was perfect when my eyes turned black. Then again no one could stop my hunger when they were red.
When I reached my room I placed the medallion in the space provided. Instantly the large door opened revealing only darkness. Turning my eyes red made any threat that maybe lurking inside leave. As I walked into the room I lit the torches on the wall. When the room lit up it was very nice. It had black gold marble floors, a dressing room, and a super king size bed. After I made myself around the room without looking at the men who accompanied me I nodded for them to leave. The silence that followed the large door that closed was peaceful. As I made my way to the large bed I laid down.
The sun rose up over the desert, making the sky look like flames over the horizon. The sweet oasis was warm and the light cool breeze felt so good. With the rare trees surrounding this beautiful place; the city was filled with every royal blood of Pharaoh. It was a union that made the kingdom of Pharaoh even stranger to offer is daughters to Anubis; all but the throne princess. The torches were light around the base of the Inn and lead outside past the ancient temples to Pharaoh’s palace.
As the shadows fought the light I was worried about anyone suspecting me of wrongly deeds. For someone to walk in as I was waking up would be trouble. The vampire in me had to feed before I headed to the house of Pharaoh. So after I got dressed then went down stairs to the bar. When I got to the bar it seemed silent; I wondered where everyone had gone. The only people there besides me, the bartender, and the young girl that aroused my hunger the other night was a few mortals.
The girl was out on the floor entertaining the mortals amongst her. Her movements were still soft and pleasant; as she moves, old feelings from the other night surfaced. The scent of her blood made me think how it would feel when her rich blood runs down my throat, I stepped away from the bar and circled around her till our eyes met. I could hear her heart pound in her body as she got dizzy. I walked up to her, and touched her smooth soft skin with my fingertips.
Without her knowing it I had brought her upstairs to my room and as I peeled her costume off I could feel my hunger grow. She placed her hands on my shirt and slowly unbuttoned it. Of course, I let it hit the floor as she rubbed her fingers on my chest. I gently placed my left hand against the side of her face. I could feel my fangs lengthen as she pulled me closer to her. Her sweet smelling blood pulled me in and as I sank my teeth into her warm flesh we fell on the bed. The rush of her blood warmed me inside and her faint moans turned into complete submission. There was no way she could break my hold on her. The music down stairs had stopped; I broke my hold on her and removed the small holes I had left from feeding. I had to keep these mortals from finding out who and what I am for now. The young girl removed herself from my bed when she was able to; yet still weak from blood lost.
The young girl’s blood was enough for me to walk the light for a little while; well enough to reach the temples of Pharaoh. The closet pyramid was Khufu, a beautiful pyramid that honored life and birth. It wasn’t big so, when I got there I had to hide my fangs quick. The pyramid was covered in flower pedals and off in the back was all the daughters of Pharaoh. They were getting ready for Pharaoh’s Jubilee in four days. I stood off in the shadows and watched them. An hour went by when one of the Pharaoh’s priests nodded me away. As I walked back through the pyramid’s entrance the sun’s rays had died down enough to see the temples.
My next stop was a beautiful statue of a lion; she was tall and wore the honors of the queen of Egypt. I made my way along her base for a long while till I saw the temples of Pharaoh. Even though they were so far away what I could make out of them in this scorching sun was still amazing.
It felt like hours had past as I stood in the shadows waiting for the sun to move a little. The shadows stretched out and I made my way across the desert till I could see a small convoyed setting up for the night. Their blood alerted my senses so I joined them.
“Welcome stranger.” The old man said.
“Thank you.” I replied bowing slightly.
“So what brings you here?”
“The Pharaoh invited me.”
“Oh, so you’re here for the party.”
“Yes, but Ali has today too hot.”
“Yes, praise Ali that the night is much cooler."
The wind blew slightly through the desert I kept watch over the camp as the few men slept. As I fought back my hunger I saw the set over the horizon and the moon take over the sky. Off in the other tent I could hear the women laughing; the scent of their blood was becoming unbearable. I knew then it was time for me to leave.
I sneaked out while everyone was finally asleep. The temple of Ramses II wasn’t really all that far so I hunted a little. Drinking the blood of nearby animals wasn’t very satisfying but I made due before I reached the temple of Ramses II.
The temple of Ramses II was magnificent with four large statues of three gods and the pharaoh Ramses II himself. In between these statues was another statue carving of a god with a falcon’s head. Below the Pharaoh were his mother, his wife, and children. I walked closer as the mortals’ added detail to the statues. It took a while before I could lure one of them to feed on.
Finally as the sun rose again I had managed to trap a young servant worker out getting more water. His blood wasn’t as sweet at the young maidens but it would do till I reach the temple of Hather. I walked the corridors of Hather admiring the life of a beautiful friend and tasty lover.
A young priest of the Pharaoh’s trusted came to me just before the sun went down. He wasn’t really muscular nor did he show any fear towards me either. I narrowed my eyes at him till he told me that the Pharaoh commands that my presence was needed.
Just past the temple of Hather not yet near the temple of Horus was the Pharaoh’s palace. The last time I was here I was toying with the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra; she was very beautiful and had just planned her wedding to Julius Caesar.
As I walked closer to the palace the memory of it made me smile. There were pillars on either side of the entrance. When I stepped inside the painting on the wall was brighter and the room was draped in gold. The Pharaoh was on his throne surrounded by his seven daughters. His youngest daughter was throne princess and was the only daughter not celebrated to be sacrificed.
The throne princess was beautiful with her long black hair and her almost see through gown. I walked closer to the royal family and kneeled; but when I rose my eyes locked with the princess. She blushed and quickly turned away.
“I see she likes you old friend.” the pharaoh spoke then laughed.
“She is very beautiful my Pharaoh.” I replied not really noticing.
The Pharaoh opened his palace to me leading me down a set of long halls that eventually went into the entrance of the temple Amenhotep III. The temple of Amenhotep III was surrounded by large Coliseums that lead to the main entrance. As I walked behind him I felt at home.
After the Pharaoh left me in the temple of Amenhotep III I noticed the hole in the main room’s ceiling. The light of the sun was getting smaller and smaller. The warm air that night was sweet. I found myself walking out of the temple through an easier exit. There were some servants out here and using my powers to lure one or two of them back in the temple with me.
The first victim was a young man a light copper completion, dark black hair, hazel eyes, wearing the standard clothes for Pharaoh’s servants. His eyes twitched as I looked at him, but before he could try to run outside and out of reach I took him. The man’s blood was rich and thick plus it warmed me quickly as I swallowed.
The other victim was an old wise woman who knew what I was. I stood over the man’s drained body whipping his blood from my lips then looked at her. Her fear made me smile so I slowly walked to her. The old woman trembled and she tried to fight me off. I leaned down towards her and murmured something in her own tongue which made her think I was comforting her. Now I know I should have given her a quick death but I have to admit I was having way too much fun. I grabbed both of the old woman’s arms and bared my teeth at her before draining her completely. The old woman’s body cracked and shriveled up to nothingness.
I spent several days and nights in this temple before I returned back to the surface. A row of light torches lined the edge of this temple’s border. Guards were assigned to watch over the massive group of people gathering to witness the celebration of Anubis. Tents were also set up for those wanting princess was wearing a silk black gown and her long black hair was slightly put up. Just looking at her curves following up to her throat made me quit thirsty. Our eyes locked the air in the room left due to the high temperature change.
She grabbed my hand and led me to the forbidden chambers outside the front entrance of the temple of Horus. As I followed her I noticed that the temple of Horus was really big. In no time at all, the princess had led me down through the passageway that leads to the sacrificing room.
The sacrificing room was large and the room was lined in gold. In the middle of the room was a huge altar. Right before we went in the throne princess started to kiss me. Her earth tone painted lips were soft and warm against mine. As we were kissing before we knew it we were on top of the altar.
A force like no other took hold of me. I found myself ripping her garments off her and exploring her soft milky body with my lips. Soon my clothes were off as while. The heat rose in the room and I was slowly inserting myself in her. A small scream came from her soft lips only to turn into pleasure full moans. The scent of blood awoke my thirst as her blood ran down the inner part of her thighs. She tightened her legs and then wrapped them around me as I drove deeper inside her. My lips brushed the side of her throat then quickly kissed her breasts. As I kissed her breasts each nipple hardened.
I found myself licking, and then tugging on the princess’ nipples with my teeth trying to distract myself from feeding. After a while the scent of her blood past. I loosened my hold on her and let her take over. The smile on her face brightened the room better than the torches’ light. The princess centered herself and started to ride me. Her hips moved back and forth slow at first then when she got use to the feeling of me got faster and faster.
She moaned as she felt me in her. Pretty soon her strive became small quick bounces to just bouncing on top of me. My shaft pulsed inside as she became more wildly.
The force grew in power and my eye darkened in color. I shook the feeling to kill from my mind. Yet still the princess bounced on me. She continued to moan grabbing my hands and starts to suck on each finger trying to mute her pleasure.
After she sucked all my fingers on one hand she placed it on one of her breast and forced me to squeeze her hard. Then she took the other hand and sucked on every finger then once again placed it on the other breast making me squeeze hard on that one too. The warmth of her skin made my eyes roll back just to keep from feeding.
to stay the nights waiting for this festival to begin.
I slowly made my way through the crowd till I saw the Egyptian princess. The throne princess was wearing a silk black gown and her long black hair was slightly put up. Just looking at her curves following up to her throat made me quit thirsty. Our eyes locked the air in the room left due to the high temperature change.
She grabbed my hand and led me to the forbidden chambers outside the front entrance of the temple of Horus. As I followed her I noticed that the temple of Horus was really big. In no time at all, the princess had led me down through the passageway that leads to the sacrificing room.
The sacrificing room was large and the room was lined in gold. In the middle of the room was a huge altar. Right before we went in the throne princess started to kiss me. Her earth tone painted lips were soft and warm against mine. As we were kissing before we knew it we were on top of the altar.
A force like no other took hold of me. I found myself ripping her garments off her and exploring her soft milky body with my lips. Soon my clothes were off as while. The heat rose in the room and I was slowly inserting myself in her. A small scream came from her soft lips only to turn into pleasure full moans. The scent of blood awoke my thirst as her blood ran down the inner part of her thighs. She tightened her legs and then wrapped them around me as I drove deeper inside her. My lips brushed the side of her throat then quickly kissed her breasts. As I kissed her breasts each nipple hardened.
I found myself licking, and then tugging on the princess’ nipples with my teeth trying to distract myself from feeding. After a while the scent of her blood past. I loosened my hold on her and let her take over. The smile on her face brightened the room better than the torches’ light. The princess centered herself and started to ride me. Her hips moved back and forth slow at first then when she got use to the feeling of me got faster and faster.
She moaned as she felt me in her. Pretty soon her strive became small quick bounces to just bouncing on top of me. My shaft pulsed inside as she became more wildly.
The force grew in power and my eye darkened in color. I shook the feeling to kill from my mind. Yet still the princess bounced on me. She continued to moan grabbing my hands and starts to suck on each finger trying to mute her pleasure.
After she sucked all my fingers on one hand she placed it on one of her breast and forced me to squeeze her hard. Then she took the other hand and sucked on every finger then once again placed it on the other breast making me squeeze hard on that one too. The warmth of her skin made my eyes roll back just to keep from feeding.

Chapter 2
Present day Egypt, the air was slightly warm as the streets gathered what water the last storm brought in. With the city rushing to pack up for the night there was still about an hour before the sun started to set. Down in the lower levels of the city was a young man and an old Scholar. The young man was tall with black hair and a neat go-tee; wearing a light blue suit and sneakers. The old Scholar was short and bald wearing a college t-shirt and ripped jeans.
“We must hurry scholar before the sun goes down.” The young man said.
“I know boy, I have just one more thing to get before we leave.” The old Scholar replied.
“So where are we going again?” The young man asked as his patient thinned.
“We are going to the house of Pharaoh in the city of Anubis.” The Scholar answered.
“What is so special about the city Anubis? The young man asked.
“Rumor has it that Anubis came and took the Pharaoh’s throne princess; making her drink the blood of the living.” The Scholar answered. As his eyes widened.
“Can Anubis do that?” The young man asked interested.
“That is why we are going to find out what happened to the pharaoh’s prized daughter.” The Scholar yelled to the young man.
The young man looks at his watch the around the room for the Scholar.” What are you looking for Sir?”
My black journal I had it laying on my night stand by the bed.” The Scholar answered.
“You mean this one?” The young man asked as he held up the journal.
“Oh, yes thank you my boy.” The Scholar answered walking slowly to the rack with his hat and keys in it.
Moments later there was a navy blue car pulled up by the Scholar’s house next to the Egyptian Historical Museum. The windows were too dark for anyone to tell if the driver was male or female or place race. The young man slowly opens the door; the driver pushes the stirring wheel. A load sound of the herm vibrates the car slightly.
“We will be right there!” The young man yells to the driver.
A small motion interrupted the faint light hang from an old torch to represent a street light. This was the only part of town to still live in ancient even after the last Pharaoh was removed for government society. The scholar’s home was full of books, journals and anything else that deals with ancient Egypt.
“Come on, our ride is here Sir.” The young man said excited.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” The scholar replies back walking steadily to the front door.
The young man opened the front door again wondering if the driver in the black car was still sitting there waiting. When the old scholar reached the young man he handed him a brown leather bag, then headed for the car. The young man strained as he carried the bag and the other lineages to the car. As old as the scholar was when he heard a quick pop of the trunk the sound startled him. The young man shakes his head then closes the trunk. Carefully, the young man opens the back left passengers door to let the scholar get in then after he closes the door he opened and get in the back right side.
“So where are we going scholar?”
“Up a little ways.”
“So how far is a little ways?”
“Not far just past the great pyramids is the great Sphinx.”
“So we can see the temple of Ramses the second and the temple of Anubis.”
“Wow that is among the valley of the Kings.”
“Yes it is.”
The car drove past the couple of small towns till it reached the great pyramids. After the car stopped just hours away from the Sphinx the scholar and the young man got out of the car and headed to a nearby tent. Near the tent was a herd of camels the scholar walks toward the herd and studies them
“May I help you?” an old man asked in an Arabic act sent.
“Yes, we would like two camels please.” answered the young man.
“That would be eighty pieces of gold right.”
“How about, fifteen diamonds for both?” The scholar asked as he handed the herder the small sack of diamonds.
“Deal;” The merchant answered as he took the sack.
After the merchant, handed the two men the camels they set off to the pyramid Khufu. The way to Khufu was long and the man was almost out of water. The old scholar just shook his head at his apprentice.
The night was fast approaching and the two men had to set up camp. The young man stopped his camel and as he was getting down he almost fell. Then he started to unload his tent from the camel. As the young man set up his stuff the scholar got off his camel and loosened the straps from his items. It took a long hour or two before the men finished gathering the scholar’s belongings. The scholar surveyed the landscape around them; then he took out the ancient writings to compare notes and evidence.
The wind blew slightly making it cooler than usual. Both men covered their heads trying to keep warm. Over the horizon small rays of light started to brighten the sky. The scholar woke and had all his things packed and ready to put back on his camel. As for the young man he stayed asleep with his head covered. A hissing of a black Mumbai echoed in the man’s ears. He jumps up and thrashes his stuff about searching for the snake to kill it. The scholar watches the young man making a fool of himself and chuckles.
“What’s so funny?”
“You my boy. “
“Why am I so funny?”
“Because you look like a monkey jumping around.”
“I heard a snake.”
“So if it was a real Mumbai you would be dead jumping around like that; it would make the poison work quicker.”
The young man went right back to work on his loading the camels back up. He was quite as the scholar read the map to find the temple of Ramses II. As they set off the scholar informed the young man that they could refill their canteens in the oasis by the great Sphinx. They stop at the Great Sphinx was brief and the scholar told his apprentice that using his canteen sparingly would be wise since there was another day or day in a half till they reach the temple of Ramses II.
The sun finished rising and about the highest point the sun’s rays beaten on the two men. The young man was so thirsty but he remembered that he still had a ways to go so he took enough water to barely wet his lips. The scholar smiled and pushed his camel forward. On the other side of the Great Sphinx was a broken pathway. It was said that this once beautiful coble stone was used by Pharaoh and hid priest to travel from the temples to the oasis.
By the time the men reached the temple of Ramses II the regular tourist from the morning group had almost dwindled down enough for the scholar to search the area. The groups around the temple of Ramses II were blocked up with stumps and rope. The temple itself was still huge even though the carvings were worn with years of weather damage. The young man was in amazement from the great sight. In between the two larger statues was an engraved door that lead inside the temple. The young man stood by the statue as the scholar ventured through the door. Deep inside the temple the scholar proceed with caution; from his research prior to this voyage he was well aware of the traps that laid here and scattered throughout the city of Pharaoh. The old scholar stuck his left hand into his pocket and pulled out five good-size round stones. With his right hand he took a stone and tossed it on the floor. The scholar did this all through the temple until he made it to a center room. The chamber to the scholar’s dismay was completely empty. Sure enough there was no other sign even hinting of Anubis’ presences. Thankfully the traps in this temple were more to keep people out then keeping them in.
Mean-while outside the young man walked the length of the temple. He never thought any temple was a strange impression across the send. As he got closer he noticed that the impression left was made from a camel. In a panic the young man ran back to the entrance and bumped into the scholar.
“Sir there is something strange here?”
“I know.”
“You do?”
“Yes, the center room in the temple of Ramses’ II is empty.” The scholar answered as he gets on his camel.
The young man was speechless all he could do was shake his head from side to side as he mounted his camel. He reached over and grabbed the reins of the scholar’s animal then lead them to the mysterious path he found by the temple. Right before the camel could stop the scholar jumped down to get a better look of the path.
“Yes strange indeed.” The scholar said puzzled.
“Where do you think it leads to?”
“The Temple Hathor.” The scholar answered and got back on the camel.
The road heading to the temple of Hather was going to take them almost a week to get there. As they continued down this strange path to the temple of Hather the young man looked behind him and noticed that the strange set of footprints was disappearing. The young man then rides up ahead like he had seen a ghost. The scholar shakes his head and fallows behind.
When they reached the temple of Hather they found everything locked and boarded up. Large carvings and players had warnings on them. “Now what Sir we can’t go in?” The young man asked as he pushed on the entrance door and stared at the warning sighs.
“What we have to stay the night.”
“Because our next place is the temple of Amenhotep III.”
“We can go there right?”
“Yes but it is a long way from here. So we will rest till morning.”
With a frustrated sigh the young man unloaded the camels. It took him a little over an hour to set up camp. The only thing he had left to do was put up the tents for the night.
“After you set up camp go get some wood so I can start a fire.”
“Ok fine “The young man replied rudely and huffed to work.
As the young man gathered fire wood the scholar took out his note book and wrote notes on the landscape of the temple of Hather. He noticed when he looked around that a dark visitor was there once when Egypt had a ruling queen. He also found more strange foot prints behind the temple when he shined a light on it. The young man slowly walked back to the temple stumbling with every step. His arms ached carrying the bundle of wood.
The fire blazed after it was started the two men huddled up in their sleeping bags. A small faint cry came from the wind. The young man cracked open his eyes and looked around. There was nothing out there just the slight whistle of the wind. The young man turned over and fell back to sleep. Again a soft voice of a woman crying echoed in the wind.
The young man tried to ignore the sad sounds in the wind but they kept coming closer. He jumps up and opens his tent. Outside kneelt was a young woman dressed in royal clothes. The young man walks slowly towards her in concern. By the time he reaches her she runs off into the woods.
Guilt consumes the young man and he chases after her into the woods. As he ran into brush and limbs of trees a dark shadow blocks his sight of the sad young woman. Desperately trying to find her and his way out he instantly vanishes.
Back at the camp by the temple of Hather the old scholar was still sound asleep. He didn’t hear the young woman’s cries. After a while a loud roar shook the tent waking the scholar. He jumps up slightly straddled and opens his tent.
The wind stops moving and silence takes hold of the scholar’s ears. He yawns and closes his tent then goes back to bed. Moments later a scream comes across the wind the scholar jumps up and runs out of his tent. With his lantern in one hand he searches for where the scream was coming from. Once again it had stopped so the scholar returned to his tent.
While the scholar tried to get some more rest he hears a faint sound. It almost sounded like a young woman crying. Knowing that the desert can play horrible tricks on a person the schooled ignored it and fell asleep.
The wind picked up, shaking the tents the scholar hug himself to keep warm. Hissing echoed inside the scholar’s tent then then the tent flew opened. There stood a young woman wearing royal Egyptian closes. The scholar’s eyes widened when he turned over and saw her. He grabs his gun that is used only if a dangerous event came up. But has the scholar aimed the gun at her, she disappears right in front of him like a ghost.
The scholar hurries to his feet and gathers up all his things. Then he loads his camel and makes sure the camp fire is still out. After the scholar was done he walks over to the other tent. He opens the tent and noticed that the young man was gone. Panicked the scholar searches the temple grounds for his apprentice. Hours had passed and sun rise was shortly coming; the scholar was getting thirsty so he grabbed both camels thinking that the young man had ran off then got himself lost.
As the scholar walked towards the far edge of the temple of Hathor’s grounds a light mist followed him. The mist got thicker and thicker till the scholar wondered where all the mist was coming from. He tried to walk through the mist and continue his journey to the next temple but was still trapped.
The mist slowly turned into a strange fog. In the fog was cries of a young woman. The scholar covered his ears to block out the woman’s voice.
Amongst the fog, the young man’s form stood. The scholar knew that something was very wrong. The young man before him looked like he had been torn apart by a wild animal. Fear came over the scholar he gets back on his camel and pulls the other one through the thick fog.
A deafening scream burned through the scholar’s ears making him stop. The scholar found himself surrounded by a shadow. He feels something touch his shoulder before he just disappears leaving only the two camels behind. As the fog slowly vanish the sun rose over the desert shining its first ray of light off the Nile just a few miles from the temple of Hather. Was a large ship made back in the time of Pharaoh. The ship carried a large cart that the strange fog retreated to before disappearing itself.

Chapter 3
It was a foggy night in Hell City as two security officers made their rounds before changing shift. Off in the distance a large object slowed down and then crashed. The two officers raced toward what had landed in the middle of an air way. When they got there they noticed that the object was a large cargo plane and looked at each other. Cautiously the men searched for survivors, as they were searching they saw that the cargo door was ripped off as the plane was forced to the ground.
“Did you find the pilot?”
“No, did you find anyone?”
“Shit! No. Who would have a plane fly itself?”
“Who knows call the station and fill them in.”
The sun shown it’s rays brightly over the back balcony right through Leena’s bedroom window. Leena laid peacefully in Kevin’s arms a sight both had only dreamed about Kevin lays asleep gently stroking Leena’s long black hair. For some reason she wakes up just in hours before Detective Jones’ honor party. Leena had mixed thoughts about going. She gets up softly moving without disturbing Kevin. Leena grabs her velvet black robe off the chair by the makeup stand. Stumbling slightly she had trouble fighting the flash backs of Peter’s murder and the hot steamy scenes that Kevin provided.
Leena walks down stairs and turns on the television. As she heads back to the sofa the news came on. Leena lays across the sofa and turns the volume up.
“Good morning Hell City, this is your Sun shine News. I am Crystal Lee, said a young woman wearing a dark blue suit and white silk blouse.
And I am Ron Lee, the old man added; wearing a red dress shirt and black suit.
“In the last night tragedy a cargo plane from Egypt crashed. The Devil Air lines said that two of their guards went missing shortly after.”
“On a note closer to home the memorial service for Detective Peter Jones is scheduled for late tonight. Stay tuned in for when the funeral will be held at a later date.” Ron added.
“Today we are going to have plenty of sun shine with a high of eighty five degrees; tonight we have a low of fifty two degrees.” Tommy reported.
Leena sighed as she stenched on the sofa. Not saying a word Kevin appeared under her head wearing black jeans and a slightly opened black long sleeve shirt. With gentle strokes her soft finger tips danced across his chest; tracing the ripped muscles that scalpued him. Kevin smiled faintly as he took her hand with his. Guiding their fingers down the lines of his body like a brush to canvus. Eash small moment made them both hot with pleasure.
“We can’t.” Leena whispered then set up.
“Why not?” Kevin asked with his eyebrows raised.
“Because I wouldn’t want to stop?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I have to work.”
“No you don’t.” Kevin doesn’t agree with me.
Fine; but I will not stand by and let you take over Peter’s job on your own.”
“There isn’t anyone else.”
“Then teach me.”
“Fine, I will.” Leena gave a sarcastic smile then went upstairs to get dressed.
Kevin stretched out his arms and mumbled. “Things I do to get laid.” In Arabic under his breathe. Thoughts of Alex came to his mind making him wonder if letting the human police have Daniel’s body was a smart move. But then again he left Alex trapped and Daniel’s body weak; all he could think of was where was Daniel’s soul? Kevin shook his head of Peter’s encounter of Alex almost a week ago. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a white napkin. A deem light shines through the mirror as he unwraps it; soon enough Leena comes back down stairs looking hot as always and the light vanishes.
“What is that?” Leena asked curious.
“Something your old boss Peter gave me before he died.”
“Oh well lets go find out what happen at the airport,”
At the airport police were everywhere and the crowd of people, were forming their way past. Kevin pushes slightly harder on the gas still he almost hit one of the cameramen. Leena held on to her seat then smacked Kevin.
“What was that for?”
“You could have killed that man.”
“So I am thirsty.”
“Well you should have taken care of that before we left.”
“I was trying to.” Kevin cursed in German.
Leena gave him a dirty look; maybe he should stay with Arabic. With a small grin Kevin made Leena smile too. When the car was parked past the crowd towards the crime scene.
The crime scene was too quiet and the only evidence that the security guards were there was the two sets of footprints they left. Kevin’s eyes turned black and before Leena could ask what is wrong he had vanished by the time Leena caught up with him his fangs were out.
“Calm down Kevin.”
Kevin gave Leena a look to back off. Instead of pushing him away any further Leena stood in Kevin’s way. The plane looked old and the markings on the inside gave Leena a clue that what ever did this was part of Kevin’s unknown life to her.
“Tell me about this!”
“Not here, not now.”
“Because she could still be here.”
Kevin changed his appearance and calmed down; he walked slow still searching for the woman he knew. Leena started to feel cold as she continues to follow him towards the back of the plane. In the rear there was a busted up pine crate large enough for to bodies. The only thing that wasn’t destroyed was a black Egyptian coffin which was opened.
“Ok, now spill.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Like hell it doesn’t”
“Fine; it was a long time ago.”
“How long?”
“When I was in Egypt.”
“You were in Egypt?”
“Yes, after the pyramids were made.”
Leena gave him a funny look; he laughed at her then continued his walk.
“How old do you think I am?”
“I never actually thought about it.”
“Well I kind of made a enemy when I was there.”
“The Pharaoh’s daughter.”
“Why would she be your enemy? Tell me you didn’t turn her!”
“Ok, I didn’t turn her.” Kevin answered, sarcastically.
“You turned the Pharaoh’s daughter?”
“I thought I just said that.”
“Great now I have a million year old mummy to find.”
“Actually vampire.”
Leena storms off to the car. Kevin shakes his head as he watches her leave. In the back of his mind he knew this will get much worse. Kevin walks towards the car. When he got to the car he opens the door and gets in. Before he could start the car he sighed and noticed that Leena was starting at him with her eyes narrowed. Kevin started the car and slowly backed up.
“So tell me about the Pharaoh’s daughter.”
“There is nothing to tell.”
“What happened to it’s along story/”
“Well, it is.”
“You turned me so talk!”
Kevin grins slightly then sighs; Ok I will give you the short version. I was in Egypt a long time ago. The princess took me to see the temple of Horus. She got a little too friendly. Yet, something else was there and I had a one night stand with her.”
“Something else was there?”
“You’re not mad about the one night stand.”
“No, it happened way before my time. Now what happened during this one night ?”
“Well I felt something strange. It was like my thirst for blood tripled.”
“Afterwards she was barely breathing when I left. It took me several years to get my thirst back under control.”
“From what I have heard the temple of Horus is no joke. It is very dangerous place to be according to those who know the stories.”
The car was silent for the rest of the trip to the forensics headquarters. Leena opened her notebook like she always do and wrote down what they had so far.
Two missing security guards; a destroyed plane crash; a cargo crate from Egypt; and a dozen or so flight crew missing. Leena taps the notebook with her pen as she thought.
“You forgot a missing vampire on the lose connected to your boyfriend.” Kevin smiles not looking at her.
“I can’t explain that part to the rest of our department.”
As Kevin and Leena find a parking spot a young female officer runs out to the car. Kevin grins at the officer baring his fangs slightly. Leena reaches over and smacks Kevin up side the back of his head before stepping out of the car.
“Detective Leena, there was a call for you.”
“From who?”
“Actually where?”
“Ok where?”
“Egypt’s museum.”
“It looks like they need help.” Kevin puts his two cents in.
Leena walks over to Kevin as they entered the building from the parking lot. Once Leena was in her office she noticed that Kevin wasn’t behind her. A minute later her phone rings . S picks up the phone and sits down.
“Yes, May I help you?”
“Yes, I am looking for Detective Leena.”
“This is her. Who is this calling?”
“Hello, I am from the Egyptian Historian Museum.”
“Ok, What is your name?”
“That isn’t important right now.”
“Well then why did you call me?”
“We need your help detective.”
“What kind of help?”
“A scholar who was working for the museum with his young apprentice has disappeared.”
“At the temple of Hather.”
Kevin walks out of the shadows into Leena’s office. He slowly gently started to kiss Leena’s shoulder. As Leena wrote down the new information in her notebook she didn’t noticed that Kevin had bit her shoulder. Blood runs down the wound on Leena’s shoulder and drips on her hand she used to write. Leena looks at the drop of blood and jumps.
“You bit me.”
“I was thirsty.
“So we have things to do.”
Kevin appears behind Leena and grabs her. Leena tries to fight him off but he bites her again. She finds herself on top of her desk. Kevin had snapped his fingers clearing everything off Leena’s desk including the clothes she was wearing. He looks over to the door and locks it. Leena tries to get up but finds Kevin’s hands on each of her breasts and kissing up her inner thigh.
She starts to feel the heat rise in the room. Kevin his fangs and licks her inner thigh till he reaches her almost wet sweet spot. Leena arches her back as she feels his fangs. Slowly her eyes darken with hunger. Kevin’s movements were dark and over whelming.
Soft moans came from Leena’s blood stained lips. She grabs his hair and yanks Kevin up. Kevin smiles as he removes his clothes in between Leena kissing him. His body was craved like marble Leena just traced his chest and abs with her fingertips. Both of them couldn’t deny that they have wanted this since this morning.
Down stairs from Leena’s office the receptionist was on the phone till she heard the fax machine turn on. She tried to ignore it but the constant beeping was starting to drive her crazy. The receptionist hangs up the phone and gets up. Then she walks over to the fax machine and noticed a stack of papers. She picks up the papers and reads the name afterwards she places the papers into a file and labels it Egypt Museum before going upstairs towards Leena’s office. As the woman reaches Leena’s hallway she could hear pleasurable moans but couldn’t place where they were coming from. A while later as she walks closer to Leena’s office she felt a demonic presence.
Inside Leena’s office Kevin continuously shoves his member deep into Leena making her dig his back with her nails. As Kevin started to blow his load inside Leena the receptionist knocked on the door. Quickly Leena pushes Kevin off of her taking him by surprise.
“One Moment.” Leena said as she tries to get dressed in a hurry.
“Who is it?” Kevin asked as he helped Leena.
“The receptionist.”
“What brings you to my office?”
“A fax came in for you Detective Leena.”
“From who?”
“Egyptian Museum.”
“Slip the file through the bottom of the door.”
Kevin walks over to the door still nude and extremely hard bends down and picks up the file. Leena shakes her head and closes her eyes since the sight of his naked body was starting to get her all wet again. Kevin walks over to Leena with the file and grinning. Leena snatches the file from him and slowly opens it.
Scholar James Davison is about seventy-five years old. He is Caucasian, five foot one and about a hundred and thirty-five pounds. He was last wearing blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He has a master degree in Historical philosophy. He worked for the Ancient philosophy department for thirteen years, He was last seen headed towards Giza by his boss Dr. Mary Joe Rockman the museum’s director. His assignment was to check into the path that Anubis took through Egypt during Pharaoh’s daughter’s disappearance.
Leena stops then looks at Kevin, “Why are they calling you Anubis?”
“I’m not sure,” Kevin answered naked.”
“They also wrote that the princess disappeared; I thought you said she died.”
“Yes, and she became a vampire I guess.”
“Some of this file is blacked out.”
“I wonder what they are hiding.”
“Who knows?”
“What does it say about the other guy?”
“That his name is Aniston Williams; he is also Caucasian. Weighs about two hundred and standing six foot two. He last wore a light blue suit. He majored in Historical Philosophy and worked under the scholar’s guidance.”
“Was there anything else?”
“Kind of just the same thing as the scholar.”
“They must have been together.”
“Maybe they were.”

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