Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Mystical Vampire

Chapter 1

The night was cold, the wind from the trees was blowing slightly. I decided to document my life and journey where I came from. It has been almost six months, and there is something making me uneasy. Someone is watching me but, whom? Maybe I should start from the beginning.

It all started I believe a hundred years ago. When I was more troubled of becoming the next empress; in which I hated the most. I guess before I continue I should introduce myself, this is where I will start.

My name is Leena, daughter of the second highest powerful royal family across France and Romania of royal empire. I lived with my father James Louis and my only brother Eric. My father's castle was built in France; It was beautiful, the tall stone lay out with the colorful glass windows, the castle stretched hundreds of miles covering thousands of acres .I never spend most of my time outside; the weather was sometimes unpredictable. But, inside the castle seemed like a whole other country. If maps were given to owners of castles maybe I would never have found myself lost growing up.

The highest family was different than your average family but yet, one of the most respected royals of their time. The grand emperor Vulgar and his son Jason both came from a long line of nobles. No one knows if Jason's mother lives with him or even lives at all. And as far as anyone remembers Jason was the only child. Their castle lied along the coast side of Romania.

By the time I was to turn eighteen both emperors' James and Vulgar, gathered designers in my father's castle. The two royal families were planning a grand party for the coming of their sons but, only one was to become grand emperor. It was one of the moments that I didn't care who ruled my family. I just didn't want to rule beside an ungrateful fool of a prince. Back then I was one of the only women who rather fight for her family's honor then to marry it out like all the other royal women.

Never the less I attended the grand party, due to the fact that, as a warrior and a grand duchess; I had no choice but, to go. As you will know a grand party was in order. Everyone who was anyone was invited, there was expected to be over a thousand nobles arriving within an hour. Of course I was forced to wear a silk majestic rose color evening gown that my father picked out for me. It was floor length and shined like diamonds in the light. My long black hair was put up on top of my head in ringlets. My father's maidens painted my eye lids to dark red to hind my crystal hazel eyes.

The party itself was beautiful, the party was held in an elegant ballroom. The ballroom could hold every noble that was invited and maybe nine hundred more. The long black sheer linens hung from the ceiling. The walls had wild bright green vines that barely touched the ceiling. Tall candles were lit in the arch ways of the room. Tables were placed a long wide windows displaying food from across the country.

Rich intoxicating fruits sent their sweet fragrance in the air. While the peasants brought in huge barrels of desirable wines. The grand emperor was sitting on a black gold throne on a balcony that viewed the whole room floor. I sat at my father's feet as he stood by the father of the next highest emperor. Both of the emperors, James and Vulgar ordered their sons, Jason and Eric of the two kingdoms to step to the front of the room.

Though only two boys were there everyone gathered around them. The highest emperor's oldest son was Jason, he was thin not like a weakling but, someone who really did not care about bulging muscles. Anyway, Jason had short brown hair, light hazel eyes, and his clothes was a dark brown shirt and dress shoes; I guess it had to take the attention off his ugly canary yellow suit. At least my brother was smarter; he wore a red dress shirt and a black suit with a tie. Everything on him to his black short hair to his dress shoes was perfectly fix, though he wore a go-tee ; which was clean shaved. It made his bright auburn eyes shine like crystal. He was so handsome that all the young ladies flocked around him. By the time the boys reached the balcony the grand emperor was prepared to speak.

“The time has come to issue rights to the new rulers of our over the grand emperor. After the long pause the grand emperor said, "I will name the third prince at a later date." Then he told the people to enjoy the party.

Then the grand emperor retired to his chambers for the remainder of the evening. The people started to talk among themselves. They wondered who this third prince was. Why would the grand emperor pause right in the middle of his honorable speech? The music started up to pull the party back together. As I left my father's side, my brother had left too.

Eric, my sweet and loving brother, pretended to introduce himself to a young maiden about his age, with long blonde hair, wearing a long pink dress that tried to hide that she was to give birth to his heir in two weeks. But, you wouldn't see their secret in her light blue eyes. While my brother got all the praise for his great manly achievement to empire; I was too busy fighting off friends who are brothers. They were both black haired, brown eyed boys with different tastes in clothes. Michael liked his green shirt and shoes with a black suit; and Carlos likes his white shirt and shoes, followed with an orange suit. Both of them could make you vomit if you saw them.

Anyway believe it or not, the prince was honored for everything but me I was ignored by my father since I was five after my mother had died of loss of blood. Still it was a shame when father sets me up with a prince; that they couldn't tame a wild fire. That was until I met the other brother. Across France there were rumors that the evil son was in town. Okay, so it wasn't that he was evil; it was that they mentioned him as the wolf. So the peasants were crazy; no maybe insane. Of course I wasn't one to believe them all at once. Maybe if they proved it, what am I saying; as princess I had a reputation to consider.

Now where was I oh, never the less a party had been going on for some time and with the nobles now in groups I was starting to get bored. Everywhere I moved people was talking about the grand emperor's speech. They really needed a new topic but, the one bad thing about nobles was that they didn't change gossip so easily. Well, I knew someone or something was watching me from afar. So I walked out onto the terrace to get some fresh air; the terrace was covered in assorted flower pedals. It was almost the perfect spot to see all of France and Romania. All the villages' fires lit the place up like stars as the black sky fell behind. I just stared out from the terrace; gazing at the people below running and screaming run for your life.

Leena looked puzzled then she walked forward to get a better view of what was going on down there. But, when Leena looked down she realized she was standing on top of a black dragon. The dragon was long and black with red eyes; his body was huge about eighty-two feet long and twenty feet wide. The dragon had millions of tiny scales all over its back and down his spiked tail. His wing span was fifty feet stretching out on either side.

The fact was I started to scream, that's when I saw the one prince upon the dragon that every peasant was talking about and the emperor wouldn't listen to them. This tall masculine man with long blonde wave like hair; His eyes were black with a crystal blue ring around the pupils. He was dressed in an ancient black robe over his pure black suit.

Chapter 2

I found myself in his arms fling above the town. Never the less I ordered him to let me

go .What I didn’t know was what he was planning to do next. It was about ninety to a hundred feet in the air when he let me go. While I was falling I found a way to stop my fall. I grabbed the dragon’s long toe nail of his third toe on his left foot. I tried to hold on to the dragon, until he stared to sneezing. I slipped off the toe nail onto the dragon’s tail. When fire flowed from his mouth Leena trembled with fear. When I finally looked up at the dark stranger, he offered me his hand and I paused then grabbed his hand because I did not want to fall to my death. Then he pulled me back on the dragons back with him. I was glad to be back on the dragons back with the man instead of hanging off the dragon’s toe nail. We were fling in the air for quite some time the height started to make me sick. I was brought to a small island cave off the coast of Europe.

Inside of the cave was lit by candles; the room was lined with silk and roses. The aisles were lined with statues that led towards a long black marble coffin. I sat down beside the pillar of snakes on a velvet bench. I felt him come up behind me and as he slowly touched my face he began to whisper:

“Life is dull and has confusion between mortals and the essence of death; Death, the beauty of the night, the howling of wolves crying to the endless night of the moon. The essence of hate roaming through the hearts of the undead and the sweet taste, the passion of the great smell of blood and the struggle to live and die all that will remain forever, lasting, eternity.”

I started to feel dazed and started to faint, the vampire’s eyes turned a bright red and I could almost see his long white fangs; then I fainted. After I fainted I found myself in a dark place until some candles started lighting by themselves filling the room. With light I saw a tall vampire feeding on a young girl there were other vampires in the same room. But, they weren’t doing anything special just standing around; I was hiding behind a curtain hoping not to be caught. But, it was already too late I slipped on a corner of the curtain then fell forward. Grabbing the curtain as I went the whole curtain came down making such a noise anyone could have heard it. The tall vampire wearing a mask walked up to me and reached out his hand wanting me to grab his hand.

When I woke up I was back at my father’s castle and in my room on my bed. I found myself striped from all my clothes and placed in a black see-through gown. As I was trying to find out how I got in the gown and back into my room I heard a noise far off in the royal court dining room. I got out of bed grabbed a robe and walked out of the room; I walked down the long hallway. When I got towards the noise, far off down the father continuously driving his cock into a young nineteen-year-old maiden bent over a long cherry wood table. My father’s hands were on the young girl’s breasts; pulling at her small hardens pink nipples with his fingers. Then he was kissing down the left side of her neck.

I could hear her scream, “Oh, your royal highness!”

So I decided to walk by and continued my search; while continuing my search a young peasant male, about eleven -years-old, who had black hair and black eyes, he wore a sandy color shirt and pants. The boy gave me a black rose and a small scroll telling me to head back to my room. Then introduced himself as Jack and walked away. Leena decided to walk down the hall to her bedroom.

When Leena got back to her room, she shut the bedroom door. She turned around and seen the vampire standing and smiling at her with his fangs still showing. He asked me if I had slept well. I tried to turn away from him but he just started to walk towards me. I felt him come closer and closer until my back was up against the bedroom wall. The vampire’s lips touched the left side of my neck as his breath started to raise the hairs on the back of my neck. Until he was interrupted by a nearby guard trying to inform me that the Russian embassy’s army was starting a war with my brother’s wife’s country Japan. After Leena received the information the vampire lost interest and left for now. Japan was a small country made up with about four different islands. The part Eric’s wife was from; wasn’t very big but, it had tall buildings designed by ancient nobles around a thousand years ago. I ordered the guard to send word to Japan; telling them I was on my way with my army, food, and supplies. But, it would take three days to get the stuff and tell their army to meet me in China.

Chapter 3

Leena spent the next three days gathering up her men from the castle her father would let her have because these men are only men that are expendable to her father and the castle. Leena also went to the local shops and brought food and supplies for the trip. Even though it was a war she was heading into after getting to Chine Leena was glad to get away for a while. During the three days Leena was preparing to leave she did not allow any visitors not even the strange vampire. After the three days had passed; everything was gathered Leena and her men left the castle. Then made their way to the docks where one of Leena’s father’s ships awaited their arrival.

Leena and her men boarded the ship the captain gave them the keys to their own rooms. The captain’s men brought all the food and supplies onto the ship where unloaded it in the lower part of the ship. The ship was huge and the ocean was a beautiful blue with sparkles in the water from the sun beaming down onto it. Leena asked the captain about how long it would take to reach China.

He said, “About a day or so.”

The captain was wearing a patch on one eye, had a head band on his head he wore black pants and a silk shirt with black boots. He ordered his men get the sails up and let’s get our asses moving towards China. Leena walked to the edge of the ship looking out at the water and beautiful sky wondering about where and what the vampire doing and what was his plans for her. After a while Leena decided to walk to her room which was cabin thirty-four. When she got to her room she unlocked the door walked in the room. It had bright red silk sheets and covers on the bed the walls were painted black with red going through it. The floors were a cherry red there was a big soft chair by the double glass window that slide to open it. Off in the corner of the room was another door which leads to a bathroom that had a big bath tub, a sink, and other accommodations. Leena sat down on the chair picked up a pitcher that was sitting by the chair on a stand she poured a glass of rum she sat and stared out the window. While drinking the rum for a long time till she started to get sleepy got up. Pulled the cover back she laid down and she thought to herself this is a comfortable bed. Before she knew it she was fast to sleep. As I started to dream I found myself standing in the middle of a group of vampires. They were feeding on two young females one of them turned and asked me was I going to feed.

I said, “Yes.”

Then I took one of the young women and bit into her neck. Oh, how the blood felt running down my throat. When Leena woke the next morning she thought to herself that was the best night sleep she had in a long time. Leena went in and bathed after she was done bathing Leena stepped out of the tub and dried off then got dressed. She left the room walked back up to the deck all the men were already on the deck waiting for her. The captain told Leena they would be arriving in China very soon. When Leena and her men arrived at the docks in ; the captain’s men let the sails down and pulled the ramp down for Leena and her men to pass through. When Leena and her men got off the ship; what Leena could see of China had already been completely destroyed by the damn Russians. Leena and her men started to search for survivors, plus to see just how much damage that was caused by the Russians. Hong Kong was left in ruins, buildings were smashed in pieces, and roads were lifted up till they snapped in two.

The person that wasn’t found under rubble was too scared to move while my army tried to rescue more survivors. Some of the survivors told Leena most of the Japanese army was captured. They also said that the Russians was talking about taking them to St. Petersburg to be tortured and hung to humiliate the Japanese soldiers. Leena and her men decided to set up tents because they knew it was going to take several weeks to clean up the mess plus find all the survivors. During the weeks of cleaning up the mess all Leena could do was to think about what she was going to do to the Russians when she got a hold of them. After the several weeks of hard work and sweat of cleaning the rumble up it started to look a lot better. Leena sent word for men to arrive to help the survivors rebuild China; because Leena could not help rebuild China. Due to the fact she and her men had more important things to do; like to get back at the Russians for what they had done. Leena plus her men decided to go to Russia so, Leena and her men loaded up onto the ship.

The captain asked, “What is the next destination?”

Leena said, “Our next destination is St. Petersburg, which is the coldest part of Russia.”

The captain told his men to pull up the ramp and let up the sails were going to St. Petersburg. Leena was glad to be done with the cleanup and now she could relax on the ship till she makes it to St. Petersburg. Leena walked to the edge of the ship to look out at the beautiful ocean sky. But, it had started to get cloudy and started to rain Leena did not feel like getting wet so, she went to her warm and dry room. Leena sat on the soft chair and just stared out the window at the rain pouring down. Thinking about the Russians and the vampire also crossed her mind she didn’t know why the vampire kept crossing her mind.

But, he did; Leena got up out of the chair walked to the bathroom where she got naked before getting in the warm bath water. After Leena had her warm bath she walked to the bed where she thought it would be best to go get some rest before they arrive in St. Petersburg. It took her a little of tossing and turning to fall asleep but, when she did she slept like a baby in that soft bed. As I started to dream I found myself in a dark green room. There were bodies hanging up on the ceiling. Vampires were hanging more bodies as they got done feeding on them. Then I saw that vampire wearing the mask. The next morning Leena wake up went up to the deck where all of the men were already eating breakfast. Leena got her a plate of chicken breast and rolls; the cook of the ship made the chicken and rolls, it was the best food Leena had ate in a long time. After Leena was done with her meal she went to the captain’s cabin.

Leena asked, “About how long till we get there?”

The captain said, “I think maybe an hour or so.”

Leena walked back up to the deck where she and her men spent the next hour or two preparing themselves for battle if necessary. When they were heading into the St. Petersburg dock the captain came up and said, “We are at your destination.”

A few minutes later the ship docked in St. Petersburg. The captain told his men to lower the sails and open the ramp. Leena and her men walked down the ramp onto the soil of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg is a pretty big place; the buildings are ancient with delicate paintings drawn onto the beautiful construction. Its palaces and cathedrals reflected its long history. Though the street was paved there weren’t too many people on them but, its villages were crowed. The town’s people never said a word when we passed through. We walked for miles it seemed like it took all day the sun was hot and beaming down on us. I thought we were going to die from the heat we stopped and took a small break before continuing our search for the Russian’s camp.

As it was getting darker and darker the air started to cool down so now it wasn’t so bad. We were moving along pretty good now about midnight we made it to the camp. I saw the Japanese army in some kind of a cage. It looked like the Russians just threw together real fast. I guess everybody was asleep in their tents because we didn’t see anyone walking around. The guard that was supposed to be watching the Japanese men had fell asleep at his post. I ordered my men to sneak into the tents and capture all the men plus all of the young males. While I tied the guard up, I released the Japanese men. So as the Russians were sleep Leena’s men tied them up. While Leena broke the guard’s neck by the cage; Leena searched the dead guard and found a set of keys in the guard’s pocket; she used them to let out the men in the cage. The Japanese thanked Leena and her men for rescuing them. Leena and her men decided that in the morning they would bring the captured Russians with them so

Leena could punish them for their crimes. Leena and her men also decided that the punishment would be decapitations and hanging when they get to the destination. So Leena and her men went to sleep for a few hours. As I started to dream I found myself in a cave. The cave was light by candles nothing else was there. I saw the entrance so I walked towards it. When I got out the vampire wearing a mask jumped out at me. When they woke Leena’s men gathered up the Russians and they walked pretty much most of the day back to the ship. When they got to the ship Leena had the captured men brought to the lower deck where they were put into small cell rooms. Leena told the captain of the ship to head for Jamaica. The captain ordered his men to bring up the sails after closing the ramp.

Then he told them we are heading to the small island of . Leena had gone to her room where she just washed up a bit before going to bed for the night. Leena started to dream; in the dream there was a comet that fell from the sky it hit France by her father’s castle. Leena’s father sent her out to investigate the comet that fell from the sky. Leena went out behind the castle where the comet landed in a hole that it made when it fell from the sky. When Leena Looked down at the comet she could have sworn she seen something moving around from what looked like a door. So Leena jumped down the hole she opened the door and walked in it looked very big inside. She seen tubs of blood and other humans chained up. She was hiding behind a barrel; she saw a whole group of vampires drinking the blood inside the comet.

They also were talking about destroying this planet sucking the blood and life out of everything living. One of the vampires saw Leena then charged her, grabbed her, and pulled her up with one hand by the throat. He then showed her his fangs and bit into her neck. Leena started screaming that is when she woke up and realized it was only a dream. Leena got out of bed made her way to the bathroom she poured some water in the tub took off her night gown and got in the tub. The bath water was nice and warm it really relaxed Leena. She sat in the tub thinking about today is the day she gets her revenge on the Russians. What Leena had planned was right out sickening. After Leena’s bath she got out, dried off, and got dressed for the wonderful day. Leena walked up to the deck the sun was shining bright the sky was a clear blue; the ship had already docked in Jamaica. The crew had already taken the prisoners off the ship and locked them in a cage; while they waited for Leena to get up. Jamaica was beautiful it had sandy beaches, nice green grass, and palm trees. Leena got off the ship made her way to where the other men were sitting. Leena told the men to get the stuff ready to decapitate and to hang the Russians. So the men got the rope and tied it to the hanging post, they also got the blade of the guillotine ready for uses. When everything was in place Leena ordered the execution of prisoners to start; they took the prisoners by two at a time one hung while the other lost their head. You could hear their screams all over the island. When Leena got tired of watching heads roll and other ones hang the rest of them Leena mutilated. Blood splattered everywhere even on the trees, eye balls was laying on the ground, ears, pieces of lips, and fingers was also laying everywhere.

Blood was all over Leena’s clothes and face but, she did not care she showed them no mercy. I cut out the bones from the bodies and I had some of my men go a separate mission to bring the bones to the four corners of the world except the bones of the young male children to show the power of our kingdom. The bones had the muscles still attached and blood still poured out of them. Leena ordered her men to stretch and spike their boneless skin so you can see the veins through it. After they did the execution Leena ordered them to load the stretched skin, the male children bodies, and bones onto the ship.

When everything was loaded Leena told the captain to go to St. Petersburg; the captain ordered his men to sail to St. Petersburg. Leena went to her room where she took a bath; dinner was brought in for her; she ate while she bathed. Leena was tired so she got in bed and she fell fast to sleep. As Leena started to dream she was walking down a long hallway. It was bright really bright; the floor was a bright yellow; the walls around her were a bright white so was the ceilings. As Leena was walking down the hall dark shadows started coming out of the walls and ceiling. Leena was scared to death the shadows was ceiling her name. Leena started running towards the end of the hall suddenly it got pitch black. Leena couldn’t see nothing all of a sudden something grabbed her arm she turned to see what it was but, nothing was there.

So she continued down the hallway not knowing really where she was or where she was going. When she made it to the end of the hallway she saw a faint light. She started to walk through it but, when she did a bunch of spikes came down from the ceiling real fast at her. Just before the spikes hit Leena woke up in a sweat she realized it was only a nightmare. Leena got out of bed, got dressed, and walked up to the deck. It was a beautiful morning the ship was docking in St. Petersburg; the ship came to a complete stop. The captain tells his crew to lower the sails, and then pull the ramp down. Leena and her men unload the bones plus the boneless bodies of the young children off the ship.

They dragged the bodies to the town square and dropped them down in the dirt. When the villagers seen the children they ran into their homes. Peeping out of their doors, windows, and other holes in the walls scared to death of what might happen. Leena ordered some of her men to take the bones of the children to their mothers telling them that, this is what happens to little children when you send them into battle especially against Leena and France. When Leena set up a small camp fire in the town square and burnt the bodies while she waited for the men return. When the men returned several hours later Leena was ready to leave.

Leena said, “Let’s get back to the ship, we must now sail back to my father’s castle.”

So they left the town square headed to the ship. They got on the ship Leena told the captain they are to head back to her father’s castle .The captain ordered his crew to let up the sails and pull up the ramp; we are heading back to France. Leena decided to relax and do a little bit of fishing. She did not go fishing much the last time. She could remember going fishing was with her father when she was only a little child. Leena grabbed a bamboo pole; she cast it out into the water. She stood there for hours but, did not catch anything.

Leena was starting to get bored she put the pole down and walked to her room. When she got to the room she went and cleaned herself up a bit. Because the smell of burning flesh was still on her clothes; it was starting to make her sick. After cleaning herself up she started getting sleepy. So Leena pulled back the silk covers and laid her head on the big soft pillow before she knew it she was asleep. As Leena started to dream she found herself in a desert all by herself she was hot and thirsty. All of a sudden a table appeared out of nowhere. It had this bowel of red soup and wine Leena was hungry. So she sat down she started drinking the wine and eating the blood red soup. When she finished she started to feel a little sick she started throwing up and felt things crawling on her arm she looked down at her arm she seen maggots crawling out of her skin. She jumped up hitting and brushing her arm trying to get the maggots off her. Then all of a sudden the maggots were gone and so was the table. Leena started walking through the desert she fell in a hole filled with flames as she was falling. She woke up and realized it was just another nightmare.

Leena sat up on her bed for a few minutes before going to the bathroom, washing off her face and then got dressed. Leena walks to the chair she starts to stare out at the morning sun. There was a knock at the door Leena told whomever it was to come in. The captain walks in with a plate of steak and rolls with a glass of red wine.

He said,” Are you ready to eat? We will be at your father’s castle in about an hour or so.”

Leena took the food from the captain and thanked him for the food. As the captain walked out Leena continued to eat while staring out the window. After Leena finished her meal she walked up to the deck to see how long until they arrive. Leena still had a little wait so she stared out at the water of the ocean. If you look carefully you could see the top fin of the shark swimming out there. The ship was pulling up to the dock by Leena’s father’s castle when the ship came to a complete stop. The captain ordered the men to let the sails down and let the ramp down. Leena, her men, and the Japanese men grabbed the boneless bodies of the Russians. They carried the boneless bodies to the castle where her father waited. The grand emperor was glad of my victory.

The grand emperor said, “This calls for a celebration we will have one later to night, the Japanese men are welcome.”

Leena ordered her men to place the stretched out bodies on spikes to hang them outside the castle. The peasants seen the men hanging the stretched spiked bodies up; they started to spread rumors that blood flows in the kingdom; death was close at hand for everyone. Leena continued to enter her father’s castle the wind was blowing softly across me. There was a dead silence over the crowd of nobles standing up and down the long hallways. The castle was very quiet as I entered the ballroom and went out on the balcony. The guards was still hanging the bodies up I decided to go to my room. So Leena left the balcony and ballroom went down the hall till she made her way to the door of her room. Leena thought to herself the castle is very quiet for just getting back home from a great victory. If it had been my brother there would have been a victory party immediately. But, I have to wait till tonight for my victory party.

Leena turned the door knob of her room and pushed it open. I didn’t expect to see my candles lit in the window; the black dragon was waiting outside the window. The vampire was sitting on the dragon’s back looking off towards him. When he looked back at me, he stretched out his arm. Then the vampire told me to take his hand. So without knowing why I took his hand; after I got on the dragon, we flew off to the cave off the coast of Europe. When we landed; we entered the cave together then I sat back down at the same snake pillar. Then the vampire turned and asked me after lighting candles and some weed:

He whispered to me, “Mortals lives in life without wanting death. Death lives in death without wanting life. What protects you? Do you live in something without wanting something else?”

I asked him, “What does the poem mean?

All he did was smile then walked towards me and whispered in my ear, “Just think about it.”

Leena told the vampire that it was getting late and she still had a victory party to go to. The vampire said that he understood Leena and the vampire walked down the cave to the entrance where the dragon waited. Leena and the vampire both got on the back of the dragon; then they flew back to the castle. The dragon landed by Leena’s window the vampire helped Leena back in. After he helped her he told Leena to remember him in her thoughts and flew off. Leena walked back in the ballroom where the party was getting underway. People were dancing, some were talking to one another, the music was playing, there was flowers, and tables full of food. My father walked passed me to the throne; he had a devilish smile on his face. He said he had an announcement to make to the nobles and the emperor.

The music stopped everyone became quite; my father said, “Leena, my daughter is to marry the Greek Prince Olympus.”

The Greek Prince Olympus was not very worthy of marriage even for me. He was short, pudgy, and had nappy white hair. His clothes was dirty with God knows what; it was hard to see what he liked to wear. But, never the less I did as the grand emperor had told me. See Olympus’ father the king of England had betrayed the

European Council to the Russian empire, and was put to death which left Olympus an orphan.

The wedding is scheduled in three more months a party is scheduled two weeks prior to the wedding. Since the day my father announced the wedding thirteen days had passed the invites grew over two million nobles in that short time. Leena was getting a little nervously the days was going by so quickly. She just paced up and down the halls nervously. Before Leena knew it was already the night before the party which met she would have to marry two weeks later.

She was really more scared of never being able to see the vampire again then she was of marring Olympus. Leena lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about the party tomorrow she slowly fell asleep.

As Leena started dreaming she found herself in a cave; the cave had candles lined up the walls. There were snakes and Maggots crawling all over the floor. There was blood dripping from the ceiling some hit Leena’s hand. Leena looked up and seen a dog mutilated hanging from the ceiling.

Leena said to herself, “Who the hell would do that to a dog?”

Whoever it was must be a very sick person? Leena would not want to run into them. Then Leena looked beside her, she saw a dark shadow of a man standing in the corner of the cave. The shadow started to move; when the man came out of the shadows Leena could see him clearly.

He was very tall, thin, golden brown hair, blue eyes, a bushy beard, and mustache. He was wearing boots, a red shirt, blue pants, and he had a cleaver in his hand. He started to run at Leena with the cleaver held up in the air ready to strike. Leena started running and screaming she tripped on a rock and came face to face with a rattle snake. As she was trying to get up the man came up behind her. He chopped off her left foot, blood squirted everywhere, then Leena woke up she realized it was a dream.

Leena got up out of bed very nervously this morning ; worrying herself about the wedding being in only two more weeks. The party will be staring pretty soon so I better get a bath and dressed beforehand. When Leena arrived in the ballroom the third party was almost underway. It looked about like the first it had the tables lined up near the windows, the band started to play loud, and the nobles started dancing with one another. Except the grand Emperor did not talk to anyone he just sat on his throne. As the third party was underway real good the noise was getting on my nerves. I stepped out on the terrace and looked out to see if the vampire was out there. But, he was not out there, all I seen was a full moon, black sky, and stars. I was feeling a little lonely and very pissed because I had to marry that fool. So I decided to end all of it by jumping off the castle to my death. I climbed over the stone rail then started to jump but, before I could jump a small piece of stone that my right foot was on broke off and fell over the side. My hands broke my fall when I wrapped them around one of the fire statues. I felt both my hands slipping off the statue; I fell five hundred feet in the air before the vampire caught me with his dragon. Then he took the dragon and flew up to the terrace.

When I got off the dragon I asked him, “If I would ever see him again?”

He just kissed my hand and smiled then he said, “Sooner than you think my dear.”

It’s been two weeks since then, it was the night before the wedding I was lying in bed. It was a very hot and muggy night I tossed and turned in bed till I fell asleep. Leena started to dream she found herself in the dungeon of a weird castle. I never was in this castle before it was dark and smelly down here. I see some steps leading up I looked around to see if they were traps on the steps. I did not see anything; I slowly walked up the stairs cautiously looking around.

When I made it up the stairs there was a fat short man with white hair standing above me with a bloody ax in his hand. He stuck the bloody ax with force into my hand chopping it off completely blood was gashing out of my wrist, running down my arm. I lost my balance and fell very hard down the steps I broke my leg and I think a rib or two. When I looked up to see where the man was all of a sudden I felt something sharp go through my back. When I looked down the ax was sticking out of my chest. I started screaming then I woke up looked all around realizing I was still in bed; it must have been have been all a really bad dream.

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